Complaints Procedure

In the unlikely event that you need to make a complaint about our service, our procedure ensures our customers get a fair, swift and courteous response. Once we are in receipt of your complaint we will deal with it promptly and in a positive manner.

Our complaints procedure is set out below.

  1. You can make a complaint by any reasonable means including telephone, email, letter or in person.

  2. We will make a record of any complaint made and will send a written acknowledgment to you within 5 business days unless the complaint is resolved beforehand.

  3. Your complaint will be passed to senior management. Where they consider the complaint is one that can be resolved informally they will discuss the complaint with you and seek to resolve it within 3 business days.

  4. Where the complaints handler is unable to resolve the complaint informally within 3 business days the complaint will be referred to the Compliance Officer.

  5. We will then investigate your complaint fully and send a final response to you within 8 weeks of receipt of your complaint.

  6. If we are unable to provide you with a final response within 8 weeks we will write to you explaining why and advise you when you can expect a final response.

  7. Where we have not provided a final response within 8 weeks from the date of your complaint, or you are dissatisfied with the final response you have received at any stage of the complaints process, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service by;

    Writing to:
    Financial Ombudsman Service
    Exchange Tower
    Harbour Exchange Square
    E14 9SR

    Telephone: 0300 123 9123

  8. Any referral to the Financial Ombudsman Service must be made within 6 months of receipt of our final response.

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